FutureBuild Solutions
Jul 3 18

What is “Agile”?


What is “Agile”?

Future build takes a look at how ING are implementing this new way of working. (more…)

Jul 3 18

THE PRIVACY PUZZLE- is a lack of privacy at work impacting your productivity?


THE PRIVACY PUZZLE- is a lack of privacy at work impacting your productivity?

A leading global market research company Ipsos recently carried out an investigation into the way in which privacy in the office affects the working attitude of white collar workers. Over the years, there has been a change in office preferences as social media pushes us further into being openly connected. (more…)

Jul 2 18

Does Activity Based Working increase collaboration?


Does Activity Based Working increase collaboration?

So, what is Activity Based Working? Activity Based Working is a method of working that gives employees a freedom of choice about how they work, when they work and where they work from. Activity Based Working acknowledges that each staff member performs different activities relating to their job and needs a variety of work settings to complete their jobs. By providing different settings, supported with technology, for each activity this enables your employees to work more productively and collaboratively. (more…)

Jul 2 18

Is the workplace killing us?


Is the workplace killing us?

A new book; Dying for a Paycheck, HarperBusiness 2018, maps a range of ills in the modern workplace — from the disappearance of good health insurance to the psychological effects of long hours and work-family conflict — and how these are killing people. (more…)

Jun 29 18

How much space does my business need?


How much space does my business need?

One of the most asked questions FutureBuild our clients ask when moving offices is; How much office space do I need?

BCA requires a minimum of 10 square metres of office space per person. This calculation is based on the total area of your office, divided by the number of office staff. The amount of space you require will be dictated by the industry you are in. Depending on your industry and the type of work you do FutureBuild recommend between 10-15 square metres of space per person. A law office may have closer to 15 square metres per person, (more…)

Jun 29 18

3 Ways to Improve your Workspace Productivity


3 Ways to Improve your Workspace Productivity

By making small and continuous improvements to your office layout, will improve your productivity, focus and effectiveness. Check out these 3 tips you can implement today: (more…)