FutureBuild Solutions
Jul 2 18

Does Activity Based Working increase collaboration?


Does Activity Based Working increase collaboration?

So, what is Activity Based Working? Activity Based Working is a method of working that gives employees a freedom of choice about how they work, when they work and where they work from. Activity Based Working acknowledges that each staff member performs different activities relating to their job and needs a variety of work settings to complete their jobs. By providing different settings, supported with technology, for each activity this enables your employees to work more productively and collaboratively.

Research has found that in some cases, a transition to Activity Based Working from a traditional fixed working environment led to an increase in staff productivity by over 35%. Employees are no longer tied to one workspace all day, and there is freedom for greater communication and cross pollination of ideas and knowledge share, as team members move from one workspace to another. Activity Based Working creates internal environments where multidisciplinary talents converge to cross pollinate and develop ideas and solutions, which would never be achievable in a silo workplace.

Activity Based Working breaks the old school, fixed ways of working, allowing employees the freedom from different departments to work more collaboratively on special projects and tasks. Increased levels of collaboration results in greater productivity and improved output.  With increased communication, comes new ideas and knowledge-sharing and, of course, increased profitability.  When your teams have workspaces that encourage and foster them to work together, as activity based working spaces does, there’s a significant increase in creative and innovative thought generation.

As Activity Based Working designers, Futurebuild can assist with the design and planning of your new workspace, to increase the collaboration and effectiveness of your space. Speak to us today.

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